I'm back. My sojourn into the 'do-nothing' zone was not all bad this year - some past vacations have been more work than work - but this year I put the time to good use: relaxed, reflected, renewed. In fact I devoted time during my respite to refresh and rejuvenate Cinema Mucho Gusto which I think you'll find will be a  positive bolster to CMG's  infotainment level. 

First, CMG will have another contributing writer. Senior correspondent and roving reporter of a new byline, 'The Scene' will be Seymore Flix. Having years of  experience in the cinema industry at all levels of production, distribution, and exhibition, Mr. Flix's contributions will have no bounds. His first posts will appear this month - look for them.
CMG - the whole cake

Second, CMG will endeavor to address the full impact and power of the cinema. Not only in box office dollar terms but in social, political, and economic terms throughout the world (see several examples in this post).

Finally, CMG will continue to ferret-out and post on the otherwise missed news bits and under-reported cinema stories by the on-line mainstream press and other blogs.  We will continue to provide you the off-beat but relevant, the informative and interesting - in short, witty narrative enhanced with visual imagery.

There is a glut of news and information bombarding each of us on a daily basis - so, CMG must provide the 'right' news and commentary that readers 'see' as relevant to what they are doing in their daily living. The icing may be the best part of a cake, but a bag of icing is not better than a cake - CMG will be providing the cake.

In that vein, below are several interesting events that demonstrate the power of the cinema. We go to the cinema to be entertained - to laugh, cry, fantasize. To be awed, frightened, for a chance to zone-out for several hours.  However, the cinema is much more than that - it has real power to make change and to influence governments, organizations, and to push cultural change.  Several examples of this came to my attention recently.

- The recent military coup in Thailand evoked the protesting populace to use the three-finger salute taken from 'The Hunger Games' movies.  This is a perfect example of using the global cinema as a tool in getting attention and rallying around a cause for independence.  The funny thing, is that, the new military junta took a page out of the protesters playbook and began to give away film tickets to a nationalistic movie to gain favor with a rebellious populace. Starting with free haircuts and music festivals, the junta graduated to free admission to the film, 'The Legend of King Naresuan', a historical drama where the ruler unifies the country and resists unwarranted influences.

Both of these actions, one by the protesters the other by the government, point to the use of the power of the cinema for propaganda.

Mahnaz Mohammadi
- In another event, last week Iranian documentary film-maker, Mahnaz Mohammadi was charged and jailed on charges of collusion against the government.  A women's rights activist, Mohammadi who has directed several award-winning films was summoned to appear at the Evin prison in Tehran to began her five year sentence. "I have been charged with having relations with English, German, and American media.  The government wants me to confess to receiving money in return for working against the Islamic Republic of Iran.  I have never done this and had no ties to foreign media, so I didn't confess. In the end, as no evidence for these charges could be found, the court referred to my documentary film 'Travelogue' and used it against me as evidence."

This is but another example, of the power of the cinema and the fear it brings to governments.  It may be only a movie, but that small piece of art can have a very large impact.

Jim Lavorato
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